Articles by Shakir Williams

Shakir Williams

A true creative with a penchant for the spiritual and natural order. She loves the Earth, almost as much as she loves writing about it.

Reduce your carbon footprint with a few changes around the office. See what changes you can make around the office...
Make a few active changes to help you go green and live a greener lifestyle! Find out more tips and...
LED bulbs offer many advantages over metal halide bulbs. Replace metal halide lights in these spaces with LED lights to...
The 2017 NEC National Electrical Code, article 680 code was amended for added protection of all new pool installations. See...
LED retrofits allow you to install LED lights without having to replace your fixtures. Read our guide to learn about...
An electric-powered vehicle offers lower carbon emissions than a gas-powered vehicle. Discover more benefits of an electric car over a...
Choosing the right lighting for your space can help create the right atmosphere! Decorate your space with LED lights.
Driverless technology remains on the rise as many companies work to produce a self-driving car or autonomous vehicle. Despite some...
The 27,000 LED light show brightening Pittsburgh’s Rachel Carson Bridge comes to an end on April 8, 2018. Officials intend...
The Jeddah Tower, once complete, intends to stand 3,281 feet tall, about 500 feet taller than the current tallest building,...
Let’s celebrate the mathematical phenomenon Pi! Pi can calculate infinitely precise circumference measures and sees use by NASA’s mathematicians, rocket...
The theoretical physicist, Stephen Hawking, passed away March 14, 2018. The professor and director of research at Cambridge University received...
During the 2018 Winter Olympics closing ceremony, Intel debuted a brilliant drone-operated light show. Each drone was programmed with a...
Circuits and outlets come in either 15-amp or 20-amp options, and the amperage of the outlet must never exceed the...
It's International Women's Day! Today, we're extending our gratitude to some female innovators.
Bay lights refer to light fixtures with high wattage requirements. Choose the light fixture shape based on the type of...
High Bay and Low Bay make up the two types of bay lights. High bay fixtures go on ceilings greater...
GFCI breakers and receptacles keep you safe from electric shocks and fires. Use a GFCI outlet in areas with a...
As people continue to look towards a more sustainable future, engineers continue to discover more ways to reach it, including...
Ground fault circuit interrupters monitor all electricity flowing to and from the outlet to protect against shock hazards and electrical...
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