Take a stroll, relieve some stress, and save the planet while doing it. You can drastically reduce your carbon emissions by walking or riding a bike. In addition to walking, there are several alternative transportation options to choose from. Carpooling is a great way to reduce your weekly carbon emissions. Choosing to take public transportation is also a great way to live a more sustainable lifestyle. Here are some other changes you can make to start living a greener life today!
Just by purchasing Energy Star appliances like refrigerators, washers, and dryers, you can drastically lower your water and energy consumption. Products with the Energy Star label are specifically designed to have exceptional energy efficiency.
While solar panels can be an expensive option for your home, they can practically pay for themselves in energy savings. You can even save money with tax incentives and energy rebates from your local utility company.
Support local farmers and purchase locally grown produce instead of buying from the grocery store. The mass production and transportation of food makes up for about 13% of the U.S greenhouse gases.
Recycling can help reduce the emission of greenhouse gases from landfills. So, take the time to start recycling plastic bottles, cardboard boxes, and glass bottles around the house. Encourage your family to do the same. Make it a game! At the end of the work week, measure how much each family member was able to recycle, and the individual with the most recycled items gets a prize.
There are several ways to reduce your water consumption:
There are plenty of ways that you can start reducing your carbon footprint. These are just a few ways in which you can kickstart the lifestyle. Start making these minor adjustments today for an eco-friendlier life!
“Resilience is all about being able to overcome the unexpected. Sustainability is about survival. The goal of resilience is to thrive.”
~Jamais Cascio~
Conserve energy by turning water all the way off and checking for leaks. By following a few water saving tips, you can also see your utility bill go down!
Help save the planet with energy saving tips! Use reusable grocery bags, switch from incandescent to LED lighting, and a few other ideas.
Keep your electricity bill low this summer with a few quick tips! Find tips and tricks to save money this summer.
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