How to Lower Energy Consumption with Mini Split Systems

Mini split units are a type of HVAC system that heat and cool your home without the use of ducts. They consist of an outdoor unit and an indoor unit that transfer heat through refrigerant lines. Single-zone mini splits have one indoor unit, ideal for small spaces or single room additions. Multi-zone mini splits have multiple indoor units, allowing you to ventilate multiple individual rooms.

On average, mini split heating and cooling systems are 30% more efficient than central ducted systems. This is because ductless mini splits don't experience any of the heat losses associated with ducts. However, there are methods you can use to increase this efficiency even further.

Whether you have a mini split air conditioner, heat pump, or a unit that can do both, it is important to monitor its energy efficiency for its effect on your expenses. Follow these recommendations to optimize your mini split and lower its energy consumption.

1. Choose the Right Size and Placement

Mini splits come in many different sizes and capacities. Choosing the optimal size for your space will ensure that your system does not overwork and waste energy.

You can tell what size space a mini split will cover by looking at its BTU rating. BTUs, or British Thermal Units, measure the heating or cooling capacity of an HVAC system. The higher the BTU, the larger the space a unit can cover.

The quickest way to calculate how many BTUs you need is by using the rule 20 BTU per 1 square foot. This will give you a general estimation of what size heater will be adequate for your space. Other factors such as insulation and weather proofing can increase or decrease this estimation. Consider the characteristics of your space and adjust accordingly.

Choosing where you place your mini split units is also important. Outdoor units need to be in open, accessible areas to allow for air flow and servicing if needed. You can install them on the exterior wall of your home or on a raised platform to protect it from the ground.

The indoor units, on the other hand, can mount on the wall or ceiling. Typically, you install them high up on a wall so that they are out of the way. This allows them to have proper air flow and drainage. Mini split ceiling cassettes can also mount flush to the ceiling if wall space is a concern.

When installing indoor mini split units, ensure they have enough surrounding space to ventilate properly. Blockages can cause poor temperature distribution and even wear down your system prematurely. While many mini split units have DIY installations, consulting an HVAC professional will ensure that it will operate properly.

2. Optimize Your Runtime

One of the most common energy saving recommendations for central HVAC systems is to only run them intermittently. However, for reducing energy with mini splits, this method is not the most effective.

Mini splits are smaller than central ducted systems and provide more concentrated air. This means that it takes more energy for a mini split unit to heat and cool down. Turning it off and on or constantly making dramatic temperature changes will expend surplus energy. Instead, opt for smaller adjustments once or twice a day that don’t stray too far from your ideal comfort temperature.

For mini split heat pumps, decrease its temperature slightly overnight, then resume your comfort temperature in the morning. Lowering your indoor temperature at night can promote better sleep while also saving energy.

For mini split air conditioning, turning it off at night or when you aren’t in the house will also save energy. By keeping adjustments consistent and infrequent, your mini split will be less likely to overwork. This will keep your energy bill from ramping up unnecessarily.

3. Invest In Smart Controls

Modern mini split systems are often compatible with smart thermostats, remote controls, and even apps. By adding smart control to your mini split, you can optimize its energy consumption so you get the most out of it.

Remote controls and apps allow you to monitor and adjust your temperature settings from anywhere. You can program in a comfort level that your mini split will work to stay at. Putting your fan setting on automatic will make your mini split adjust to outdoor temperature changes as well.

Smart thermostats allow you more advanced and automatic control over your mini split temperature. You can preset schedules and cycles so you don’t have to constantly get up and change your settings throughout the day. Smart thermostats are also better at reading temperatures in a room so you get more accurate adjustments.

4. Keep Up with Maintenance

As with any HVAC system, regularly maintaining your mini split is important to keep it in top condition. Doing routine checks of each unit biannually will ensure that they will withstand seasonal changes.

Air filters and condenser coils are some of the components of a mini split system that need the most attention. Dirty or clogged filters and coils can impede air flow and contaminate air quality.

You should clean the air filters and condenser coils every 4-6 weeks. Before doing so, make sure you turn off the unit and any power running to it as a safety precaution. You can find the air filter inside the indoor fan unit, and the condenser coils in the outdoor unit. Use a dry cloth or gentle brush to rid them of any dust or grime buildup.

If the air filter is especially dirty or you’ve had it for more than a year, you should replace it. You can coincide this with a yearly general HVAC checkup, where a professional will asses your system and give it a fresh tune-up.

On top of cleaning the interior of your mini split, you should also keep the areas around it clean. Any debris or obstructions around the indoor and outdoor units can wear on the system over time. Make sure the indoor fan ventilates and the condensate drain on the outdoor unit drains properly.

But, regardless of diligent DIY maintenance, we still recommend a professional assessment of your system once a year. If you do that on top of following these DIY procedures, you will get the most you possibly can out of your mini split.

HomElectrical offers a wide selection of ductless mini split systems, both single and multi-zone. Start building your mini split system today and save money on heating and cooling in your home!

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Caroline Young
Caroline Young

Caroline is a Clemson University graduate and a writer through and through. She has graphic design, editing, and production experience, but her words are her greatest pride. When she’s away from the page, she’s either reading, watching films, or playing her beloved piano.

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