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The Energy Independence and Security Act Has Inefficient Light Bulbs Burning Out!

Light bulbs are being upgraded now more than ever, and a large reason for that is due to the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. Signed by President Bush on December 19, 2007, this mandate regulates the standards for energy performance as it relates to industrial production, construction, fuel economy, appliances, and more importantly, lighting.

Here are some of the highlights:


The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 sets the basics for which light bulbs should and should not be used for the most efficient use. Even though incandescent bulbs are frowned upon, due to their energy inefficiency, they are not banned from use or purchasing.

  • All incandescent bulbs are not banned for manufacturing or sales, but the common household bulbs, that are not energy-efficient, are no longer wanted or needed.
  • The act does NOT require use for any compact fluorescent bulbs.
  • It is now required to use light bulbs that are 25% more energy efficient for household bulbs, which have traditionally been between 40W and 100W.
  • Many bulbs are exempt from the law’s requirements, including:
    • Specialty bulbs
    • Three-way bulbs
    • Chandelier bulbs
    • Refrigerator bulbs
    • Plant grow lights

Helpful Tip:

To help you stay energy efficient, an easy solution is to use LED lights! LED light bulbs are up to 80% more energy efficient, help save you money over time, and have a long life span of up to 100,000 hours!

Pushing Sustainability Forward

Glowing LED Light

EISA is implemented by the U.S Department of Energy and reinforces the importance of energy reduction. Humans use about 17.7 trillion watts of energy every year, which mostly stems from gas, coal, natural gas, renewable energy, and nuclear energy.

To try to reduce these numbers, we want to focus on conservation and efficiency. LED lights help you stay energy efficient and will help you conserve energy by using less wattages for the same brightness!

  • Surprise! This act does not ONLY pertain to lighting, but some of the other provisions it is making include:
    • Higher gas mileage in cars
    • Transportation electrification
    • Increased reliance on biofuels
    • Training for GREEN jobs

Overall, the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 is trying to help everyone reduce the amount of energy they are using and going green! It is not only better for the environment to go green, but when saving energy, you are also saving on costs. Not everyone knows how to stay green, so this Act is helping everyone learn where to start!

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Recommended Reading

Help save the planet with energy saving tips! Use reusable grocery bags, switch from incandescent to LED lighting, and a few other ideas.

Make a few active changes to help you go green and live a greener lifestyle! Find out more tips and tricks to live a greener life and reduce your carbon footprint!

The Living Building certificate promotes sustainable buildings through greener construction practices. See what it takes to earn the Living Building certificate!

Danielle Abram
Danielle Abram

Danielle is a classic wordsmith and unapologetic user of the Oxford comma. Her experience includes blog posts, technical copy, social media copy, email marketing, product descriptions, scripts, and so much more. In other words, there's no limit to what she can write about!

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