Georgia Power Commercial Energy Efficiency Program 2017

Eligibility: Available to Georgia Power commercial customers for the purchase and installation of qualifying energy conservation measures.

Program Dates: Rebates are available for electrical products purchased and installed after January 1, 2017.

Proof of Purchase: Customer must provide copies of all invoices or other appropriate documentation that clearly verifies the costs of purchasing and installing the products, including all material, labor, and equipment discounts.

Project Verification: Pre-approval for all projects are required. You can apply for pre-approval by creating a new application and submitting all required documentation.

Compliance: Pre-approval commitments are valid for 120 days from the date on letter for retrofit projects and 1 year for New Construction projects. Projects may be granted an extension, on a case by case basis. 


Georgia Power
Eligible Efficiency Technologies:
Clothes Washers, Water Heaters, Lighting, Lighting Control/Sensors, Programmable Thermostats, Motor VD's, Agricultural Equipment, Custom/Others pending approval, Food Service Equipment, Reflective Roofs, LED Lighting, Commercial Refrigeration Equipment
Applicable Sectors:
Commercial, Construction, Industrial, Nonprofit, Schools, Federal Government, Installers/Contractors, Agricultural, Institutional 
Incentive Amount:

Programmable Thermostat: $50 - $75 per unit 

Variable Frequency Drives: $50/HP

Heat Pump Water Heaters: $250/unit

Reflective Roofs: $0.05/sq. ft. 

Food Service Equipment: varies 

High Efficiency Servers: $100 per servers 

Server Virtualization: $1,200 per 10 servers 

Lighting: varies 

Custom Projects: $0.08/kWh saved, up to $40,000 per building/year

Shakir Williams
Shakir Williams

A true creative with a penchant for the spiritual and natural order. She loves the Earth, almost as much as she loves writing about it.

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