12 Days of Christmas: How to Make a Mason Jar Snowglobe

Snow globes make a nice souvenir or gift, but sometimes they can be pricey. If you want to make a custom snow globe for that special someone, check out this guide to learn how to make one right at home!

Materials Needed:

Mason Jar
Glue gun
Liquid clear glue

Time: 15-20 minutes

WARNING: When using hot glue, make sure not to burn yourself!

Remove the lid from the jar.

You might have guessed, but the lid of mason jar acts as the base of the snow globe. Arrange your decorations, like a small toy, on the lid as desired. Don’t use anything too valuable or delicate. Leave room around the edges so the lid will screw back on to the jar.

Placing figures on a jar lid

Once you have the lid arranged how you like, carefully glue down your setup using the glue gun.

Add 2 ounces of clear liquid glue. This will allow the glitter to suspend in the water.

Stir the water and glue with a spoon.

Add glitter and stir again with the spoon.

Ensure the lid is dry. Place the lid on the jar and tightly secure it. Use glue as necessary to permanently secure the lid.

Allow the glue to set and you’re done! Carefully shake your new snow globe at first, in case there may be leaks. Enjoy and share your new snow globe!

And that concludes our 12 Days of Christmas series. We hope you enjoyed it. From HomElectrical, Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

Mark Watola
Mark Watola

Mark graduated with a B.S in Communications from Kennesaw State University in 2020. Enlisted in the United States Marine Corps from 2012 to 2016, Mark operated as a Photojournalist and Correspondent at the Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune Public Affairs Office. Learning from his time in the military, Mark prides himself on having an adaptable and mission-based mindset with a willingness to work cooperatively to craft quality content.

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